Fran is just back from another interview that seems to have gone well. We started the weekend with great news. On Friday I was offered a job that I couldn't turn down... despite it not starting til September. So I am frantically trying to find something to tire me over til then. And we both have another interview so I think things may be looking better which is a relief!
Dave and KT suggested that we went with them on a hike up Mt. Takayama on Saturday. We did but I found this walk a real stuggle... well the ascent! And had to stop a fair few times on the way up to catch my breathe!!! We were quite excited about getting to the top to see the view.... however, the stupid rain and clouds got in the way and this was our view from the top... stupid rainy season!!!
We stopped for a sandwich here, taking shelter from the rain under the viewing tower and there were loads of photos of a beautiful clear view from the tower, made me very jealous!!! I want to go back to take photos on a beautiful clear day when we can see Mt. Fuji!!! Apparently in October/November time the sky will be perfectly clear so we will be able to see everything!!! Fingers crossed!
I was shocked to see stray cats around the top of Mt. Takayama and the shrine. They all had strange eyes like they had been in fights. These ones just stared at us. And as we were walking down there were cat that just popped out of the bushes... meow-ing at us quite strange! Fran says that I want to set up a help center for stray cats on top of mountains... haha. I don't by the way, but I did feel sorry for them...
Dave and KT walking down the hill.
The view as we were coming out of the clouds.
I got a few pictures of butterflies on the hike. There really are soooo many different types of butterflies here!!! I love seeing one I haven't seen before but they always seem to fly faster then the ones I have already seen!! When we were on our way down we saw a MASSIVE black butterfly. it was bigger than a bat a it's body was huge, I ducked as it flew over our heads I was too shocked to take a photo to be honest... I will though!!! promise!!!
Fran enjoying a well deserved big pepsi after the hike!
We chilled at the beach at Tsukuihama, in Kanagawa for about half an hour, it was overcast but not raining anymore. The volcanic black sand didn't really make me want to go and walk on it... but I imagine it will be something I get used to! There were loads and loads of wind surfers out on the sea, see the dots on the horizon... they are winder surfers. Was pretty cool to watch!!!!
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